We really do love being married so much. All the little moments we have together add up to be priceless. I have been telling Aaron a year ago I never would of guess we would be where we are at today. So much has changed, we are married, we have a cat, I have a different job, family lives in a different state, we love staying home vs. not going out all the time, we have family come over and hang out at {our} house all of the time. There is so much more that has changed, I just never would of guessed a year ago this is where I would be. I am so glad though. I am grateful for all of the wonderful changes life has given us. I am also grateful for Aaron and all of the craziness he puts up with :) I love my hot hubby and we love being married.
I can not believe that it has been 10 years since 9/11. To think 10 years ago I was driving to elementary school listening to 101.9 the end and hearing Chunga and Mr. talk about the 1st tower being hit and not even knowing what they where talking about. I honestly had no idea what was going on or what that meant and how much this would change the world. I can remember seeing adults sad and scared. I remember being scared and not knowing what was going to happen next.I have been lucky enough to be able to go back to ground zero a couple of times and I am telling you there is a certain calmness and reverence all around right in the middle of NYC.
Watching videos and seeing pictures yesterday brings so much sad and heart-breaking emotions but to think how united this country has become, because of it. I am so grateful for all of the men and women who are fighting for our freedom.
I found this great printable and it is staying up in our house for a long time. You can find it here at Less Cake {More Frosting}
I do believe I come a crossed this situation much to often. It seems to be a trend if one of them is out cold the other is soon to follow
I suppose it is back to the work week
{Happy Monday}
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