Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Belly Pics and an Update

 My word February flew on by. I seriously can't believe it is almost the middle of March. Baby will be here in 3 1/2 months!!! Craziness!
I am about a month late but Aaron and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on February 10th. Geeze that one year went by so fast. There is no way I thought I would be 20 weeks pregnant on our 1 year anniversary. Funny how plans change. We have experienced and learned so much together and about each other. We also have adapted to each other this last year. No matter how well you know someone there is always plenty more when you live together.
I am so happy we have been able to experience a year of  adventures. We have enjoyed every holiday, season, birthday and everything in between just the two of us and it has been so wonderful but I am excited to have it start to be the 3 of us.

We had a fabulous anniversary! Roses, sushi, shopping and cake, it was great.
{The Gateway}
It does not get better than one year old cake

Chocolate cake with raspberrie mouse filling. It was divine!

24 Weeks
How Far Along? 24 Weeks
Maternity Clothes? Some, mostly wearing comfortable clothes.  My works out clothes have taken on a new role as lounging clothes. I do love maternity pants though and have bought a way cute maternity dress.
Sleep: Depends on the night, some nights I sleep horribly because I either can’t breathe because my nose is so stuffy or I can’t get comfortable or I have to pee every hour. I am very grateful for those good nights when I only have to get up once to pee.
Best  moment this week: Starting to notice baby moving more and more. I am realizing what is baby and what is me.
Symptoms: Crazy stuffy nose! I hate it, Aaron hates it and I am pretty sure Burrows hates it. I can’t breathe! I still get headaches every day. Also I pee all of the time! No Joke!
Miss Anything? I miss tanning, can’t wait for summer to get some natural rays. Also I miss being able to sit and watch a movie all the way through without having to go to the bathroom at least once.
Movement: Yes! I am noticing what his movements are.  I swear it almost tickles sometimes.
Food cravings: I am loving CANDY! Especially Cherry Laffy Taffys, also vanilla shakes are pretty amazing.
Anything making  you queasy or sick: Still hate, hate, HATE the smell of chicken. Thank heavens Aaron doesn’t cook it anymore.
Gender: Handsome Baby Boy
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In, but it is starting to take a different shape.
Wedding ring on or off? Always on
Happy or Moody most of the time:  I am happy! But I also can be super moody and super emotional. Any sad story I hear about anything, especially animals it seems I am in tears. Even songs sung on American Idol will do it.
Looking forward to: This weekend, weather should be around 65. Also we have a doctor’s apt. on Tuesday and I am very excited to check up on baby and hear his strong heartbeat. 

This is how baby bump is looking from above. It is getting big. I love it!
Also I can't forget about our furry child. . .
In 3 days we will of had this little lion a year. He is the sweetest little kitty, don't know what we would do with out him. For a cat he makes our lives entertaining.  I am anxious to see how he responds to little Baby Turner's arrival. He really doesn't have a choice! :)


Mindy Thomas said...

Happy belated Anniversary! What a year. Looking good jess, love the baby bump! I am glad you can finally feel the little guy. That is my favorite part. It is so fun having all of these babies.

Ryan, Alyse, Paetyn and Ashton said...

Ooh my gosh it is crazy to think it's been a year I cant believe it! I had Ashton in my belly when you got married.. Crazy! Ooh you are looking so cute prego love it!! So much fun I am glad you are enjoying it.. Live it up and enjoy the single life ya got now all that is gone soon ha ha!!

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